Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard

Payroll teams across the UK are feeling the impact of COVID-19. Employers need to monitor and report on the situation across their payroll(s) for management insights. For payroll service providers, there is a pressing need to quantify the impact of reduced payroll processing on their billable income and workload, and to proactively identify and advise the clients who may be struggling. Businesses need easy access to this information without creating additional work for the payroll team.

This is why PayDashboard have launched the COVID-19 Impact Dashboard.

View the product factsheet for payroll service providers
View the product factsheet for employers

The solution

PayDashboard have created the COVID Impact Dashboard, which collates all relevant payslip data to provide a unique view of how Coronavirus is affecting your business and/or your clients.

With the COVID Impact Dashboard, PayDashboard users can:

  • Instantly access COVID-related payroll insights, updated whenever a new payroll is uploaded
  • View a top-level summary of changes
  • Access data on a per-payroll basis and drill down this information further on the individual dashboard
  • Track the current and potential impact of churn and furlough on your payroll processing
  • [For payroll service providers] Benchmark across your client-base to quickly identify the most affected clients

This allows you to:

  • Assess the impact of Coronavirus on your own payroll processing
  • Better forecast your future payroll work based on employee and payslip churn seen to date
  • [For payroll service providers] Proactively engage the most affected clients requiring advisory services or additional support
  • [For payroll service providers] Apply these insights to your financial forecasts to pre-empt a potential fall in payroll processing revenue
  • [For payroll service providers] Provide payroll insights to your marketing team to use in their own communications and engagement

View the product factsheet for payroll service providers
View the product factsheet for employers

The COVID-19 Impact Dashboard is constantly evolving. You can sign up here for more updates and information or get in touch with us to arrange a demo.

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