Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard

Meet the team

Find out more about the team behind the product

We're a diverse bunch with one common goal to deliver the best pay data platform on the market. Explore the profiles below to find out which of us has DJ'd to over 2,000 people, and who can eat an entire pack of Cream Crackers without having a drink.

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Bade Adesemowo

Bade Adesemowo

Engineering Manager

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Adam Barker

Adam Barker

Head of Technical Support

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Jo Card

Jo Card

Business Development Manager

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Jonathan Coles

Jonathan Coles

Lead Developer

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Etain de Wytt-Hilton

Etain de Wytt-Hilton

Marketing Manager

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Paul Gibbons MCIPPdip

Paul Gibbons MCIPPdip

Operations Director

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Chris Hobbs

Chris Hobbs

Support Engineer

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Laura Hughes

Laura Hughes

Product Director

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Daniel Kefer

Daniel Kefer

Senior Developer

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Camilla McDermott

Camilla McDermott

Product Marketing Manager

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Alex McGillicuddy

Alex McGillicuddy

Senior Developer

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Robbie Woodall

Robbie Woodall

Business Development Manager