Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard
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NPW2022 - Using your own vehicle for work

From time to time, the employees on your payroll could find themselves using their personal vehicle for work purposes. This guide provides a breakdown of the tax relief, how it works, and how to claim.

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Employees that use their own vehicles for business trips might be eligible for tax relief. But how can one go about applying? This free guide provides all the relevant detail on the tax benefit available, how it works, and how to apply.

Download this guide and share with the employees on your payroll to help them to take advantage of this great benefit.

About PayDashboard

PayDashboard is an interactive cloud payslip that integrates with your payroll software to deliver an all-encompassing employee payday experience. PayDashboard means increased efficiencies for you, and access to fairer finance for employees.

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