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Data security - using personal computers for work at home

Using personal computers for work purposes should be a last resort as it contains the most security risks. It should be limited to small organisations with remote workers who have no other capability. Wherever possible, companies should ensure that all homeworking employees using personal devices should only be working with cloud-based apps and software.

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The workforce has changed indefinitely. Most employees work remotely at least 3 days per week, which could mean serious data security considerations such as:

  • Home systems might have not been updated, or the 'check for updates' prompt has been ignored
  • Access to the computer might be shared with several members of the same household
  • Downloaded documents are being saved in shared folders
  • Accidentally using a personal email account to send company-related content

We've prepared a checklist and put together some guidelines on using a personal computer for work purposes, while at home.

About PayDashboard

PayDashboard is an interactive cloud payslip that integrates with your payroll software to deliver an all-encompassing employee payday experience. PayDashboard means increased efficiencies for you, and access to fairer finance for employees.

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