Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard
Case Study

Avery Healthcare chose PayDashboard's payslip solution, and discovered additional features to strengthen their internal communications

Avery Healthcare wanted to ensure that their staff could access their payslip portal quickly and easily, no matter how tech-savvy they were, so they chose PayDashboard. They quickly realised PayDashboard is more than just a payslip portal.

PayDashboard Case Study - Avery Healthcare chose PayDashboard's payslip solution, and discovered additional features to strengthen their internal communications


Avery Healthcare runs over 70 payrolls, on a mixture of monthly and 4-weekly cycles, with the support of their payroll provider.

Charlotte Fennell is Payroll Manager for Avery Healthcare, overseeing the payroll operation for the whole group.

As a large care home group with ambitions to open 3 new homes every year, there are always lots of starters and leavers, and maintaining a high level of engagement with internal communications can be a challenge.


Avery was struggling to find solutions to streamline their operations, particularly when it came to payslips and internal communications.

Past experience with payslip portals revealed a need for a platform that was simple for all to use – even those who were less ‘tech-savvy’ than others.

In addition to payslip challenges, they found internal communications difficult through their T&A system – particularly when attempting to deliver urgent employee communications.

Avery needed a solution that would help them reduce confusion and improve efficiency.


Avery Healthcare chose to use PayDashboard for their payslips and their internal communications.

The deciding factor was the ease of use. Before PayDashboard, the payroll team received multiple payslip queries every day from employees who couldn't download or print their payslips. With PayDashboard, even the least tech-savvy staff have no problems accessing their payslips.

What's more, professionals from across Avery Healthcare are delighted that they can send communications using a system that employees are really engaged with.


With PayDashboard, Avery Healthcare boosted engagement with internal communications from 50% to 80%.

PayDashboard's communications module has been vital to Avery during the pandemic, becoming the most effective way to communicate with employees about changes to regulation and news relating to the COVID vaccine.

The payroll team are saving time every day that would usually be spent responding to queries about payslips. Now, employees have a solution that really works.

“Before, getting messages out to our employees was time consuming, ineffective and expensive. PayDashboard's communications module has made a massive difference. It's amazing that we can see the percentage of staff who read the
messages, who didn't read them, and whether there are particular homes not engaging with communications. Sending communications via the payslip system has been much simpler for us and for our employees.“

Jugdeep Singh - Group Commercial Finance Manager
Avery Healthcare