Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard

When we hear the words 'digital payslips' many of us might immediately think of the payslips that are sent over email in PDF format. And this is correct. Technically epayslips are digital payslips, but not all things digital are created equal.

There's digital, and then there's DIGITAL!

To start, let's consider the definition of the word 'digital', one of which is '.....electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data'. *

Digital is such a loose term these days, and is used to describe any asset that is contained within a digital environment. But there are many more dimensions to digital technology than first meets the eye. Technically speaking, a PDF payslip sent via email is considered a digital payslip, but then so is a cloud payslip, which is multi-dimensional in comparison, and has far greater capabilities.

So what can cloud payslips offer that email payslips cannot? Here's list of just a few:

  • GDPR-compliant
  • Safe from hacker attacks
  • Simple password resets
  • 2-Factor authentication
  • Scalable
  • 24/7 Accessibility to payslips, PAYE forms and documentation on any device
  • Provides users with access to a suite of financial advantages, rewards, tools and services
  • A tool to enhance employee financial wellbeing
  • Integrates with your payroll software
  • Create value with a best-of-breed approach to your tech stack


The bank statement analogy

Remember the days when emailed PDF bank statements seemed revolutionary in comparison to the paper version? They're sort of outdated now, aren't they? Well the same comparison can be applied to printed vs emailed payslips. Imagine still receiving emailed PDFs instead of being able to log in through your banking app! It would seem like a whole dimension is missing from your bank statement. Now apply that analogy to payslips and suddenly the idea of emailed payslips seems quite outdated and unnecessary.

Thinking of making the move to a cloud payslip?

If you've gotten this far, then it's likely you're thinking of joining the thousands before you who have cut cost, increased efficiencies and achieved scale across their businesses by ditching emailed payslips for a cloud solution.

Ask us a question

But, like any buying decision, it's important to understand their perspectives. This free download provides some short accounts from current PayDashboard clients on how they overcome challenges and achieved greater things from ditching epayslips for PayDashboard's cloud payslip portal.

No matter where you are in your business or payroll journey, a cloud payslip solution like PayDashboard's best-of-breed approach can be utilised to address whatever challenges you may be facing in your business or bureau. With PayDashboard's open API technology you can benefit from:

  • Quick implementation
  • Seamless integration with your current systems
  • Full training and customer support

Want to see the platform in action? Book a demo at a date and time that is suitable for you and we'll show you around.

We look forward to helping you on your cloud payslip journey!

About PayDashboard

PayDashboard is an interactive cloud payslip that integrates with your payroll software to deliver an all-encompassing employee payday experience. PayDashboard means increased efficiencies for you, and access to fairer finance for employees.

* Source
